Investe Group was set up in 2012 to provide its network of global investors and clients with strategic investment opportunities.
With offices located in Luxembourg and the Netherlands, Investe is an entrepreneurial establishment determined to look beyond the present to maximize the success of its investments. By staying true to its philosophy, Investe promises to increase the quality of the income stream and enhance the capital value of the investments it handles.
In the past, Investe realized a strong track record in venture capital and entrepreneurial investments.
Investe Participations acquired late 2014 a portfolio of around 400 units in the Netherlands, including a supermarket located in Linne. In the last years, Investe managed to reduce the vacancy rate from 14.3% to around 3% (end of 2023). At present, Investe Participations mainly invests in the dutch residential market and is constantly seeking for new real estate investment opportunities.INVESTE PROMOTIONS
Investe Promotions focuses in developing real estate projects in Luxembourg. Together with their Real Estate Fund Lionstone Partners, they are currently developing more then 30 projects all around Luxembourg. Mostly residential projects, they range from 500 m2 to 50.000 m2 per project. Investe Promotions aims to further extend its developing of real estate activity in Luxembourg over the years to come.
Creating our own estate agency in 2015 enabled Investe to pool their resources and skills in order to provide our clients with premium quality services. Porperty Invest is on hand to help with any issues and questions regarding our client property projects. The agency offers a wide range of solutions, from selling, renting or developing land, to helping those looking for accommodation or office space.The Property Invest Headquarters are located in Walferdange. Property Invest also has branches in Heiderscheid (Luxembourg) and in Trier (Germany).INVESTE M&A
Investe entered Ramphastos Investments in 2012.Ramphastos Investments is the investment company of Marcel Boekhoorn, a well known Dutch private equity investor and entrepreneur, which currently holds (primarily majority) interests in over 30 companies in various sectors.
High Tech Campus Eindhoven was sold by Philips to a private consortium of investors, including Investe-Group. The High Tech Center and R&D ecosystem is currently hosting more than 140 companies and institutions, comprising over 10,000 product developers, researchers and entrepreneurs.
Mazarine Energy is a Netherlands based subsurface driven oil & gas E&P company focused on early-stage exploration and field development. Besides its current investments in Tunesia and Romania, the company is actively reviewing opportunities in the EMEA and APAC Region. In order to diversify our investment portfolio and to profit from the favorable petrol sector, Investe teamed up with Industry experts and invested in Mazarine Energy in early 2014.

Wonschstär (engl. Wish Star) has been founded in 2014. The aim of the Foundation Wonschstär is to help people who suffer in their everyday life from the burden of illnesses, past accidents or sad fate. Our basic philosophy is that everyone should be given the chance to realize his dreams.